
петак, 26. фебруар 2016.


I have lot of things to do for faculty and some other personal activitys, but I choosed to write this post. Priorites, right? These photos were taken in a very ungrateful conditions. That day was very cold,cloudy and windy, but was the only avaiable day for me and my photographer Ivana and despite that we shooted three outfits.  In first this supposed to be another one go-to outfit, but then I decided to play a little bit. I hope you like it.

Mnogo stvari treba da obavim, što za fakultet, što za neke sopstvene potrebe, ali sam ipak odlučio da napišem ovaj post. Prioriteti, zar ne? Ove fotke su nastale u veoma nezahvalnim uslovima. Tog dana je bilo veoma hladno, oblačno i vetrovito, ali je bio jedini slobodan dan za mene i mog fotografa Ivanu i uprkos tome islikali smo tri outfit-a. U početku ovo je treblo da predstavlja još jedan casul outfit, ali sam odlučio da se malo poigram. Nadam se da vam se sviđa.

jacket and sneakers ADIDAS
turtleneck C&A
hat H&M
sunglasses RAYBAN

недеља, 14. фебруар 2016.


I've always thought that neckline is one of the most alluring parts of our bodys. Turtlenecks are here to draw attention to this area. I bought my first one this autumn and up to now I have 5. This one is uniqe, it's made by my grandma, and I love it.

Turtlenecks have quite an interesting backstory. The style dates back to the 15th century, and in the 20th century they began to become associated with academics, philosophers, intellectuals and artists.
In the 1950s turtlenecks were a big hit. Today, the turtleneck has become a must have pice in every street style mavens closet.

Oduvek sam smatrao da je vrat jedan od najprivlačnijih delova naših tela. Rolke su tu da privuku pažnju na ovaj deo tela. Moju prvu rolku sam kupio jesenas, a do sada ih imam 5. Ova je unikat, napravila ju je moja baka, i obožavam je.

Rolke imaju interesantnu prošlost. Sam stil datira još od 15.veka, a u 20. veku povezivali su ih sa akademcima, filozofima, intelektualcima i umetnicima. 50-tih godina bile su veliki hit. Danas, rolka je postala komad odeće koju svaki street style stučnjak mora imati u svom ormaru.